Think Outside the Box, Live Outside the Cage...
Super Soakers and Sound Systems! -Let "The Protestivals" Commence!
Chpt 1:
It Begins!
At Home with Maggie and Tom.
Chpt 2:
It Continues!
At Home With Maggie and Tom.
Chpt 3:
It Grows!
Out and About With Maggie and Tom.
All around the world right now, this very moment, marches, protests, encampments and sabotage of supply-lines are ongoing, in support of Ancient Palestine, and in protest of a horrific, sadistic, cold-blooded genocide taking place in Palestine’s Gaza, and extending to the West Bank.
In the meantime, even as they cry crocodile tears over the carnage being commited against the rightful inhabitants of the stolen land, western rulers not only fund and support the slaughter, they are also provoking wars with Russia, China and Iran that will, at best, result in the utter collapse of the Empire of Lies - rightly so. But also taking our nations, our communities, down with them. At worst these reckless provocations will escalate to the point of global nuclear war, and most or all of us will be toast. Literally.
In the meantime, the powers that shouldn't be are pulling out all the stops in pursuit of a technocratic socio-economic order that will remove any remaining notion of free will or choice from the people, via the imposition of programmable digital currencies. Thus we the people will effectively be made abject slaves of a psychopathic elite and the klepto-technocracy they are determined to institute.
Now, I don’t know about you, but I actually find the prospect of being irradiated to death because a group of incomprehensibly stupid, deluded liberal “managerials” and other assorted retards have (been groomed for) power in the West, very liberating. As is the notion of being made a slave to those same psychopaths that got us here. - By their criminality and incomprehensible mendacity, they free me/us from their illegitimate rule.
One of the Satanists responsible for inculcating the current nihilistic mindset of the “elite-ruler” class, Alistair Crowley, famously stated “Do as thou wilt is the whole of the law.”
He was wrong. Because actions have consequences.
Certainly, as long as it comes with the caveat “cause no harm.”, then “do as thou wilt” could provide a sound societal foundation, but absent that balancing caveat, which recognises the incredible beauty and interconnectedness of all of this Everloving Creation, then it's a recipe for the beginning, and the end, of a Godless world order - as hopefully we can all now see and recognise.
It seems that throughout the Empire of Lies, we the people have little left to lose. Maybe we also have a duty to ourselves, our children and to the rest of the world to bring the current cadre of rulers and ‘elites’ down, to face the justice they so richly deserve?
Carina Malatesta has recently published her 17th news round-up depicting the ongoing genocide in Gaza, amongst other important international events largely ignored or misreported by the western establishment media. Included in this particular round-up Carina suggests that the people of West Asia and of the Global South have been let down by such globalist institutions as the UN, the ICC, etc, and that those people need to hold the perpetrators of crimes against them to account themselves, noting that the UN, despite its laudable charter, which it does remarkably little to uphold, is a failed institution. (This is my own interpretation of Carina’s writing. Hopefully reasonably accurate. Forgiveness is begged if I have erred in any way!)
As I see it, in order for that to happen it’s up to the people of the the “Global North” to reform our governments and to bring assorted non-governmental institutions - including academia and the establishment media - under our control, so that they come to reflect and respect the will of the people over the billionaire classes that have bought control over them.
I’d already begun work on this post when I read Carina’s piece. A piece which has inspired me to go quite a bit further than I intended with this one, incorporating several ideas I’ve had and written about over the years of my self-imposed exile from a political and economic system that I find increasingly repugnant.
The fact is that absent concrete action from the people, we in the west will remain passive victims of our own “liberal” governments and non-governmental organisations, as they bring us to the brink of Armageddon, and as they actively support the destruction of Gaza and wider Palestine via bloody genocide.
What follows is a fictionalised depiction of ways in which we might utilise the energy of the moment to regain our agency, our economic independence, and ultimately free ourselves - and the world - from the criminal insanity of western elites, whilst also paving the way for bringing those elites to justice.
Chapter 1:
It Begins!
“Good afternoon, and welcome to The Six O'clock News. I’m your host, Marianna Mendacia.
“We're joined now by Toby Torter, who’s out on location a Trerflager Squared, where something rather unusual appears to be unfolding within the Pro-Hamas Terrorist Anti-Semitic White Supremacist Hate March that’s taking place in Anytown, Anywhere today. Isn’t that right Toby?”
“Yes, that’s right Marianna, it’s the most extra-ordinary thing! At around one pm this afternoon, as The Haters began to rally in Trerflager Squared, ‘people’,” Toby drew inverted commas in the vacant air around his head as he said the word. “Terrorist Sympathisers, began to hand out giant water guns, just like this one here…
to the crowd of ‘protestors’. Worryingly, they filled all of these ……err t-toys with w-water, which they’d brought with them. In bottles…
[Author’s note: This author does not support, in any way, the commodification and marketing of nature. But the truth is the truth, and pure water is life, albeit that a planetful of plastic bottles isn’t. But the news is the news….]
“… Those with Water Weapons moved out towards the perimeter of the square until they were face-to-face with the Gallant Defenders of Democracy, that Thin Rainbow Line of the country’s finest.
“The Defenders of Democracy, armed only with Lethal and Less than Lethal Weapons with which to defend themselves, responded professionally, by hiding behind their shields and awaiting Orders from Their Betters.
“By this time, others amongst The Terrorist Sympathisers had begun passing out and inflating beach balls and balloons, which the Jihadist White Supremacists proceeded to bounce and throw high into the air!”
“Gosh! How high into the air would you estimate they actually threw their balls, Toby?”
“It’s hard to say for sure at this stage, Marianna, but my guess is, very, very high indeed!”
“And what Level of Risk do beach balls pose to the Law Abiding Public, Toby?”
“It’s hard to say at this stage, Marianna, but I understand that The Ministry of The Science is looking into the matter as we speak.”
“Yes. Now, as you can see on your screens, apparently out of nowhere, Terroristic Protestors then began to erect a large marquee at one end of the square, and what can only be described as ‘a stage’, with several large speakers and what appears to be a lighting rig, at the other end, complete with a sound booth some way in front of the stage.
[Author’s note: In the budget edition, the sound system featured here is replaced by several minirigs, synced to play the same sound file. Thank you.]
“It’s being reported that they may have stashed their equipment in the nearby multi-story and underground car parks, in the days leading up to the protest.
“It looks like they’re also erecting some kind of children's play area, with swings, slides and face painting!
“We’ve been advised by the police not to approach or communicate with these Unhinged Crackpots in any way. For our own safety, of course.”
“Of course. Stay safe, Toby! We'll rejoin you later in the programme.
“That was Toby reporting from Trerflager Squared, where it seems that Terrorist Hamas Sympathiser White Supremacist Anti-Semites might be up to something. Worryingly.”
At Home With Maggie and Tom.
“You seen this, Maggie?” Tom held up a flier that he’d found lying in the doormat.
“What’s ‘at, Tom?”
“It’s a flyer, Mags. Somefin’ about communi’y gardens. Says there’s a gardeners cooperative looking to start some sort of garden sharin’ scheme to grow food for the local community.”
“Oh, that sounds interestin’. Giz a look, Tom.”
Chapter 2:
It Continues!
“Good evening, and welcome to the News at Ten. Let’s go straight to our correspondent, Toby Torter for the latest from the Trerflager Squared Siege. Toby?”
“Thanks Marianna. Well, the most extra-ordinary things are unfolding here in Trerflager Squared, Marianna! The Hamas Terrorist Jihad Anti-Semetic Anti-Democratic White Supremacist Far Right Protest Encampment appear to have erected some sort of makeshift village. Something like you might see at a music festival. There are tents of all sizes going up as I speak, and loud music - what seems to be the Dam Busters theme - can be heard playing.
“There appears to be a kind of Dining Area, and some sort of Kitchen, which appears to have stated serving some sort of what can only be described as ‘food’, Marianna.
“There also appears to be a ‘dance floor’, if all things. People can be seen wearing swimming aids, running up and down the dance floor, imitating airplanes!
“Jihad Terrorist White Nationalist Anti-Democracy Self-Hating Jewish Anti-Semite Hater Hamas Far Right Nationalist Extremist Sympathisers can actually be seen ‘dancing’, and what appears to be a homeless family can be seen ‘eating’.” Toby punctuated the empty air around his head frequently to emphasise his astonishment at the unfolding scene. ”Additionally there are reports of comfy sofas and armchairs popping up all over the…”
“Excuse me Toby, but we’re hearing that the Anti-Semite Jew-Hating Hamas Sympathising Far Right White Supremacist and Self-Hating Jews - and, surprisingly, the Climate Aaagh-Larmists, too, have opened up access corridors into their enclave by deploying their Water Weapons against the Brave Officers Defending Democracy, and have a established donation drop-off points at various locations throughout the city. We’re told that, in an apparently Coordinated Attack , the Ring Leaders Opened Fire (or should that actually be ‘ opened water’?) on the Thin Rainbow Line of our Brave Defenders of Democracy, forcing the unprepared officers to fall back at strategic points around the square. We’re told that some of those officers suffered injuries ranging from getting wet to getting very wet. This is unprecedented!
“Sarah Sort is with the Interim Deputy Assistant Chief of Inland Security Services, Miss Trussed.”
“Thanks Marianna.
“Miss Trussed, we’re hearing that the Trerflager Squared Siege is just one of many similar ‘protests’ springing up across the Civilised West. Can you tell our viewers how the Ministry is responding to these Unhinged Crackpot Protests, and are you consulting with other agencies to bring them to an end?”
“The Ministry of Inland Security Services is in consultation with Our Partners throughout the International Community and the Civilised World, the MOSSAD, the Ministry of The Science and Sir Professor Null Fergrusome, on the best course of action to take to Contain and Stamp Out these Insurrections, which as you point out, are now happening in cities throughout the Civilised World.
“A number of our Brave Officers Defending Democracy have already been hospitalised, mostly as a precaution - though some do report feeling a little chilly - whilst the colourless, odourless liquid drawn from the ‘Pure Life’ plastic water bottles used by the Terrorists to literally get our Brave Officers wet, is sent for analysis, so we’ll know exactly what we’re dealing with. In the meantime several of the Beach Ball projectiles launched towards our Brave Defenders of Democracy have been safely intercepted, and have also been sent for analysis.”
“Gosh. And what do you make of the recent viral video, in which one of the apparent Ring Leaders of the Terrorist Jihad Anti-Semetic Anti-Democratic White Supremacist Supporters stated their Unreasonable Demand that the Civilised World immediately defund the Only Democracy in the Middle East, end all Allied military threats and aggression against Yemen, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Iran, and of course Palestine, the complete withdrawal of all NATO personnel and weapons from Russia’s Doorstep, and the withdrawal of the Imperial Allied Navy fleet from the South China Sea?”
“These are obviously Unhinged Far Right Extremist Fringe Crackpots with no understanding of the Economy-Stupid or How Hegemony Hoperates, Ms Sort.”
“There’s another apparent Ring Leader, calling herself Sentient Waves, suggesting various ways that Ordinary Folk might go about establishing their own Economic Independence. And going even further to suggest that by breaking free of the Economic Systems that Bind Us, Ordinary Folk can actually Bring Down the Rules Based International Order, and thereby bring about the Defunding of the Gaza Genocide, thus giving Palestine and it's Steadfast Supporters a Fighting Chance to bring the Criminal Pariah State of ‘israel’ to Account for its Crimes, if only we… I mean they, generate Local Initiatives, such as Gardeners Cooperatives, Garden-Sharing Schemes, Communal Street Gardens, Vertical and Container Gardens, and even Community Stores/Hubs from which food, produce, skills, time, knowledge, tools and household goods, etc, can be shared, for the Benefit of Whole Communities. Tell me, Interim Deputy Assistant Chief Miss Trussed, just how much of a threat might such Unhinged Thinking pose to Liberal Democracy and the Rules Based International Order?”
“I think it poses a Considerable Threat to the entire Civilised World if it catches on, Ms Sort! That’s why Sir Professor Null Fergrusome is currently modelling a fantastical Worst Case Scenario, complete with Scary Looking Graphs to propagate amongst the Law Abiding Citizen of the Civilised World Order, so that we can more easily justify the Excessive Force we’ll be deploying to break up the Anti-Democracy Hamas Terrorist White Nationalist Environmentalist Sympathiser Encampments.“
“But isn't it true that Sentient Waves’ message is catching on like wildfire, and people all over the Civilised World are already planting potatoes along grass verges, and tomatoes in hanging baskets underneath streetlights, and that large numbers of Ordinary Citizens are quitting their Menial Busywork Jobs in favour of establishing Community Initiatives for Economic Independence, whilst many are also emptying out their bank accounts and using those funds to obtain the materials and tools needed to Sustain their Community Cooperatives?”
“Hmmmm… yes, I have heard that silly Community Groups are are springing up here and there. But there’s no evidence that the Mass Walkout from Employment, or the Emptying if bank accounts is in any way related.”
“Gosh. How many of these Community Cooperative Groups are there, Miss Trussed?”
“Well, it’s hard to say at this stage, Ms Sort. But our colleagues at the MOSSAD have been informed of the development, and we expect they’ll be sending in their Sayanim Spoilers to disrupt and undermine such Community Initiatives very soon.” The Interim Deputy Assistant Chief of Inland Security Services, Miss Trussed, turns to face the camera. “You Have Been Warned!” she helpfully informed the viewers.
“It’s being suggested that Veteran Fighters may also be joining the Protest Camps and the Community Cooperatives. Is that true, Miss Trussed?” The interview continued.
At Home With Maggie and Tom Again.
“Hiya Tom,” said Maggie cheerfully as she entered the kitchen, “Put the kettle on, there’s a darlin'.“
“You ain’t been over doing it ‘ave you Mags?” Asked Tom as he filled the kettle. “Your face is all red.“
“I ‘aven’t felt this good for ages Tom! Me and Gladys have just planted up old Mr Corrington’s front garden with runner beans, tomatoes, courgettes and rhubarb,” she beamed.
“You ain’t forgotten about tonight’s Community Stores meeting ‘ave you Our Maggie?” Tom asked as he poured boiling water into two mugs. “Mr Patel called earlier to make sure we’re still going.“
“Course I ain’t, Tom! A couple of the ladies said they’re bringing food to eat, so we don’t ‘ave to worry about dinner.”
“What’s on the agenda for tonight then, Maggie?”
“It’s there in the fridge Tom, ya silly sod,” she laughed. “Pass it over, let's ‘ave a look.”
Leigh Street Cooperative Community.
Cooperative Actions for Mutual Benefit: Community Stores: sharing resources.
“Give only what you can, take only what you need.”
What’s in our store so far? - Skills, tools, time, produce, household goods, pledges.
Accessing the store. - E-stores. Physical locations.
Community gardens: What’s in the ground, what’s next.
Family friendly activities: Getting kids involved. Grans and grandpa's sharing stories and recalling skills from a bygone age. Nursery gardens for toddlers. Knitting and crocheting. Building for beginners.
Energy: micro-generation - keeping the lights on.
Chapter 3.
It Grows!
“Good evening, and welcome to the News at 6. It’s Friday 21st, and I’m your host, Sebastian Smithe.
“Today the Trerflager Squared Terrorist Insurgent Insurrection has expanded even further to now include large camps that appear to have been erected overnight in parks the length and breadth of the country…
“The Jew Hating Hamas Anti-Immigrant Racist Jihadist Far Right Extremist Climate Aaagh-Larmist Self Hating Jews have apparently coordinated their activities with travelling fairgrounds and festival crews to establish what can only be described as ‘amusement parks cum summer festival arenas’ in parks and gardens throughout, not only the country, but the entire continent!
“Here’s Toby Torter with more…”
“Thanks Marianna,” Toby erroneously beamed. “It’s day ten here at Trerflager Squared, Anytown, Anywhere, and the camp just seems to keep on growing, as more people arrive every day, many bringing with them assorted Water Weapons of their own.
There have also been signs of people bringing donations of food, and even cooking gas, to the kitchen area. Hot-dog stands and icecream carts have been seen within the Terrorist Hamas Anti-Semite Sympathiser Encampment.
“Earlier today our Brave Defenders of the Rules Based International Order attempted to prevent the stream of newcomers from joining the Insurrection. Officers could be seen deploying pepper spray against the new arrivals, who quickly responded by donning swimming goggles and firing their long-range Water Weapons directly against the canisters of noxious gas, in one case actually shooting a pepper spray canister out of the hands of a police officer. As you can see in the footage, that officer was then taken away in a ambulance!
“We’re told …”
“I have to interrupt you there Toby,” interrupted Sebastian. “It seems that Terrorist Sympathisers have now surrounded Television Centre, including our own news studio here in Anytown City Centre!” Announced a very pail Sebastian Smithe.
Out and About With Maggie and Tom.
Maggie and Tom headed over to the mirco-hydro electricity and water-purification plant that had been providing electricity and potable water to three local community groups for the last 6 months. Tom volunteered at the plant 20 hours a week, which he loved!
Today the couple brought news to the other volunteers of an upcoming intra-community shin-dig that was scheduled to take place at the of the month.
“Now then Charlie, me owld mucka! ‘Ow’s it goin’?”
“Very good, Tom, old sport. I do wish you’d call me Charles though,” smiled Charles, the engineer behind the hydro plant. “Maggie, you look as beautiful, as ever,” he bowed graciously.
“We’ve just heard from the Olderton crew, Charles,” said Maggie, smiling. “They say the bridge linking our districts needs some maintenance. Their Mr Jones is looking into it, but wondered if you wouldn’t mind taking a look too.” She handed the blueprint of the bridge over to Charles. “These arrived today, and here’s a proposal from Mr Jones that he’d like your opinion on if you have the time.”
“Have you had a look Tom? What do you think?”
By now the community stores were full of fresh and preserved produce, whilst trade had been established with a nearby dairy farm - access to enough farmland to grow oats, plus fresh milk and cheese, in exchange for help on the farm: milking, haymaking and fencing, plus pickles and preserves, and a hook-up to the hydro power plant.
No money was exchanged because none was needed.
“Good evening and welcome to I'm Sarah Sort.
“The trials of the recently deposed cabinet of the former government has been scheduled for the first anniversary of the Great Trerflager Squared Rebellion, just 4 and a half months from now, and will be held in the open at Trerflager Squared.
“Representatives from all of the 33 regions will be in attendance, each selected directly by the members of the various community groups of every region, ensuring that voice of the people is heard.
“It’s expected that the tribunals will go on for at least 12 weeks, and will be live streamed throughout. There will be an interactive form available, so that anyone who wishes to add to the proceedings can do so.
“Already there’s a Tribunal Website available for people to submit their thoughts and ideas, each new category of which will include its own comments section, so the merits and importance of each issue can be evaluated and potentially included in the prosecution.”
“The insolvency of the Central Bank of Anywhere, and the domino effect impacting central banks all over the ‘civilised world’,” Sarah punctuated the air, drawing inverted commas, to emphasise the ridiculous of the phrase, as she spoke, “has resulted in the collapse of the BIS and the Swift payment system.
“This is having a huge knock-on effect, as international organisations scramble to find alternative means to ensure that any essential functions can be maintained. [UN]RWA, for example, are accepting direct donations of medicines, food, building materials, etc, the logistics of which are being directed by, and in coordination with, cooperative community groups around the world. Just as Doctors Without Boarders are coordinating their efforts directly with the manufacturers of essential medical supplies, which are in turn supported by the regional cooperative community groups where they are situated.”
“On now to the Gaza Genocide trials, which are about to get underway in Al Quds, the capital of Greater Palestine…”
I have done my best, in difficult circumstances (ie, I write all of my posts on my phone, tucked away in a corner of my very busy caravan home, stealing what peace I can for the purpose of sharing my thoughts and ideas with you, the hopefully interested and, even more hopefully, inspired reader.)
This has been the most difficult piece to write, as it involved the necessarily deployment of fiction in order to depict a vision I lack the skill to describe in any other way.
Following a couple of false starts, I finally struck upon the idea/device of telling the story from the perspective of an establishment media news channel.
The scenarios described above represent ideas I believe capable, if they are picked up and shared around, expanded and developed, of actually bringing the nightmares unfolding before all of our eyes, to an end, whilst also offering the basis for a viable economic (food on the table…) system that would cut out the need (or most of it) for money - and certainly for debt notes or CBDCs.
The picture I’ve tried to paint here is necessarily incomplete. -This is a blog post, not a novel, and so ideas have had to be condensed in accordance with the medium.
I only hope I’ve done enough to capture the readers imagination, so that these ideas - or variations of them - might be turned into actions by those of you in a position to take action.
I am not. I took my actions 12 years ago, and as a result now live as far outside of the systems that threaten us all, as it’s possible to get, developing economic independence on a mountainside in the Portuguese interior, far from the madding crowd.
I have limited access to technology, cannot edit videos or generate menes (hat-tip to Frank Write for giving us all ‘menes’ over memes). My reach is small (less than 150 followers/subscribers on substack, each if whom I dearly appreciate), and I have no access to social media.
Therefore I beg you, if you see any merit in this post, in these ideas, please, please share! Or meme/mene! Or rewrite in your own words. Or otherwise develop these vaguely sketched ideas into a coherent movement to bring down the current psychopathic world order, and help free mankind from the control of megalomaniacs and kleptocratic tyranny and the very real prospect of global nuclear war.
If not this, if you have a better idea/better ideas, please do shout them from the rooftops. Because we’re running out of time!
Thank you so much for reading!
With love,
Thank you Kali, that was great and entertaining 😊. I understand what you are proposing, now to get other people to understand want to break free. I almost choked laughing at the beach balls. It reminded me of the big scary weather balloons the US had to "shoot down" 🙄.
Luv me super soakers
'Ate genocides
Simple as
(I do love Super Soakers and got rekt by me kids with them only yesterday)